Montreal real estate: How smoking pot can lower the value of your home

If you’re one of the one in 10 Quebecers who has enjoyed a toke on a joint or a bite of a “special” brownie lately, you’re probably looking forward to the day when you can do it legally. You might even be hoping to grow a plant or two. But if you are also selling your home, or planning to, you might want to think carefully about when, where and how you enjoy your weed.

Federal legislation to legalize recreational marijuana is widely expected to pass this summer, with legal sales to begin sometime before the end of the year. But the fact is, even if cannabis is legalized, stigma around pot use won’t disappear overnight.

Recent surveys have found that Quebecers not only report the lowest levels of pot use in Canada, but also the most negative perception of those who do partake. The finger-wagging isn’t limited to judging weed-smokers. It also extends to the homes they live in.

According to a recent opinion survey commissioned by the real estate website Zoocasa, while negative attitudes about cannabis in the home are common across the country, disapproval is highest in Quebec.

Study author Penelope Graham said almost half of Quebecers said they believe smoking cannabis in your home devalues your property, and more than half said if cannabis plants had been grown legally in a home it would lower their interest in the property, she said.

”What really stood out for us was that the stigma around growing at home continues to persist, and it seems to slant even more negative among Quebec respondents,” Graham said.

A recent Statistics Canada survey on pot use found that only about 10 per cent of Quebecers admitted to using cannabis within the past three months. But if pot does become legal, one in five Canadians said they would either consider trying or increasing their consumption of it.

Realtor Raymond Singh said as cannabis use becomes more common, he’s finding more buyers are asking whether there are pot-smokers in the house or next door. For some sellers, neighbours’ smelly cannabis habits were the final straw that pushed them to move.

“If their neighbour is a frequent pot-smoker, they might not want their kids to be around that and they won’t want to be around it,” he said.

According to Montreal broker Eleni Akrivos, pot-smoking neighbours are already a concern for many of the buyers and sellers she works with too. In multi-family buildings, especially, she said, the scent of cannabis drives buyers away.

“It’s like cigarettes. When we sell homes and people walk in and can smell a cigarette smell, the value goes down right away. The smell is a deterrent,” Akrivos said.

According to the Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec, which regulates real estate agents in this province, realtors have a duty to record in writing any factors that could adversely affect the buyer of a property. Spokesperson Marie-Pierre Laflamme said that includes unpleasant odours caused by consumption or growing of cannabis.

“Information about indoor cultivation is particularly important as it is an indicator of potential damage associated with humidity and mould problems,” Laflamme said.

One of the reasons buyers may be so wary is that there isn’t much that can be done if your neighbour’s smoking habit bothers you. Neighbours are expected to be reasonably tolerant of each other’s noise, smells and other habits, said lawyer Jonathan Franklin.

“Someone could take it to court and see, but a reasonable person has to put up with a certain amount of inconvenience,” he said.



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